My position and my coworkers

My position and my coworkers

my identity as a heart cell is just a generalised statement as i am actually a myocardium created generated from an undifferentiated cell. I am not alone I am sadly forced to be part of this team of myocardium we are forced to work non-stop all day in an rhythmic fashion in order to pump blood to all the other cells of the body. I do this in synchronised movement with my team members as we receive our signal as a wave which allows for us all to contract with almost perfect timing. communication between us occurs because of special features between some of my neighbours called intercalated disks which contain gap junctions and is the source of the communicating channels between us cells. Gap junctions are protienaceous tubes that connect nearby cells and act as a communication hub. They arise from connexins which grouped form connexins which allow the passage of small water soluble molecules and inorganic ions between cell cytoplasm they can also couple us cells electrically. Intercalated disks our communication manager in a sense carry waves of depolarization which sweep across to my entire team and synchronize the contraction of my team. This is caused by the passage of ions through the team in a domino effect, Ca2+ ions is used for this . Low intracellular Ca2+ concentration opens gap junctions and inversely high concentration closes them. This allows entery of extracellular Ca2+ and creation of the action potential,which rapidly occurs and is reversed since our team has the ability to regulate our permeability at our gap junctions.

Posted on October 18, 2013, in biochem. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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